How to Spot Fake CBD Products and Avoid Synthetic CBD

When it comes to buying CBD oil, it's essential to be aware of the potential for counterfeit products. Synthetic CBD is created from base materials using chemicals, instead of being extracted from the cannabis plant. To guarantee that you're getting a genuine product, there are a few key indicators to look out for. First, check the label on CBD products; this will be a good indicator of whether it's real or fake CBD.

If the ingredients, concentration, or expiration date are not listed, it is likely false and should not be taken. Some companies try to pass off hemp seed oil as CBD oil, when the CBD doesn't even come from the hemp seed, but from the flowers and other parts of the plant. Legitimate companies will provide the important information that consumers need to ensure the authenticity of the CBD oil. All accredited cannabidiol with CBD companies perform rigorous third-party laboratory tests.

Many CBD oil companies only test for CBD and THC content to ensure compliance with federal limits and state laws. This simple test neglects your safety by not testing for possible contaminations with third-party verification. Take note of terms like “phytocannabinoid-rich” (PCR) or “broad-spectrum hemp extract” and be sure to look for the actual CBD content when looking to buy CBD oil. The most commonly sized bottle of CBD oil is 30 ml (1 liquid ounce) and must include the advertised amount of CBD.

In the case of CBD oil companies, this allows consumers to check the laboratory reports of CBD products, simply by scanning the QR code with their smartphone. But what's even scarier is that counterfeiters are stealing the packaging of a legitimate CBD product to trick unsuspecting consumers into buying fake CBD oil. Technically, a company could sell olive oil (or hemp seed oil, etc.) without any CBD content and claim that it is a CBD product. Obtaining CBD from sources other than cannabis solves all of these challenges, as it provides the purity, consistency and yields needed to allow CBD to be adopted in a wider variety of medical and consumer applications.

Making sure that CBD comes from hemp is a good way to guarantee high levels of CBD and zero to trace THC levels, not the other way around. Due to the lack of regulations from the Food and Drug Administration, it appears that there are two fake CBD products manufactured by fraudsters for every genuine CBD company that does things correctly. In conclusion, if you want to make sure you're getting a genuine product, look for labels that include ingredients, concentration and expiration date. Additionally, make sure you're buying from an accredited cannabidiol with CBD company that performs third-party laboratory tests for quality assurance.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

Unapologetic pop culture aficionado. Incurable social media expert. Total web advocate. Lifelong tv aficionado. Devoted web practitioner. Amateur internet expert.