How Long Does CBD Last? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Effects of CBD

CBD is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments, but how long does it last? It all depends on your body, the amount you take, and how you take it. Generally, the effects of CBD can last from two to six hours. When ingested, CBD is likely to take longer to experience the full effects. This is because the intestine has a slow absorption rate, with peak effects occurring between 1.5 and four hours after ingestion.

The bioavailability of CBD when ingested is between 6 and 20%. To maximize the effects of edibles, store them in the refrigerator. Topical CBD products are not designed to reach the bloodstream, but they can still be effective. Transdermal CBD products are more likely to produce stronger effects than edibles. As a general rule, the effects of CBD last between two and six hours, but this can vary depending on the product. Taking CBD sublingually (under the tongue) can produce faster and stronger effects than edibles.

For instance, New Phase Blends sells a sleep aid with CBD and melatonin that can last much longer than the effects of CBD alone. PlusCBD offers a wide range of products and potencies, including gummies, topical products, oils and more. The method you use to take CBD will make a difference in how quickly the effects occur and how long they last. The potency of the product will also influence how long it takes to feel the effect and how long it lasts. For example, using CBD oil is one of the most effective ways to take it orally, while topical products like balms are still effective for skin-related issues. It's important to note that everyone's body is different and will react differently to CBD.

Some people may find that they need to take more or less than others in order to achieve their desired results. Additionally, it's important to consult with your doctor before taking any new supplement or medication.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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