Can CBD Help Lower High Blood Pressure?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound that has been found to have numerous cardiovascular benefits, including reducing the blood pressure (BP) response to stress. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that CBD can help reduce some of the factors associated with high blood pressure, such as stress, anxiety and poor quality of sleep. CBD is derived from organic, non-GMO hemp and is then combined with MCT oil, a derivative of coconut oil. It is available in both isolated CBD and broad-spectrum CBD forms.

While there is evidence that CBD can help relax arteries and veins, it is not yet clear if it can actually lower blood pressure in humans. A study was conducted to investigate whether CBD lowers blood pressure in humans. The results showed that resting blood pressure was lower after subjects had taken CBD and that CBD mitigated the blood pressure response to stress, particularly in periods before and after stress. Given the increasing use of CBD as a medication, people taking CBD should take into account these hemodynamic changes.

This could also be due to the analgesic properties of CBD, which reduce cold stress and therefore minimize the sympathetic response. These hemodynamic changes suggest that more research is needed to determine if CBD plays any role in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Since there are a limited number of studies on the use of CBD oil for hypertension and it has not been approved for this disease, the dose of CBD to treat hypertension is unknown. While CBD continues to have an effect on the body, consuming it alone will not lead to the cerebral adventure associated with THC.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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