The Difference Between Full Spectrum and Isolate CBD: Explained

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant. There are three main types of CBD: isolated, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum. Isolated CBD is the purest form of this compound, while full-spectrum CBD contains small amounts of other cannabis compounds, such as flavonoids and terpenes. Broad-spectrum CBD is a mix between full-spectrum and isolated CBD.

When searching for CBD products, you may have noticed that there are different cannabinoid spectrum options to choose from. Isolated CBD only contains CBD, while full-spectrum CBD contains the full range of cannabinoids, except for part of the THC. Full-spectrum extracts are rarer than you might expect; most extractions lose significant amounts of terpenes and flavonoids during processing because they are much more volatile than cannabinoids. Ethanol and a very low temperature (the RSO method or whole vegetable oil) or an extremely long vacuum extraction process can produce full-spectrum extracts.

Broad-spectrum CBD uses many of the extraction processes of isolated CBD to extract THC, but at the same time preserves an identical proportion of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids from the original plant-based material. This can only be verified by testing the material before and after extraction. Broad-spectrum CBD is like a mix between full-spectrum CBD and isolated CBD. The entourage effect suggests that full-spectrum products may work better than isolated CBD, however isolated CBD can still produce beneficial effects. Products that only contain CBD and are made with isolated CBD are also available, such as oil-based tinctures, edibles, beverages and topical products.

Depending on the variety of cannabis used for the process, the cannabinoid profile of CBD oil will vary. Although it's unlikely that you'll consume an entire bottle in one go, consuming a few milliliters of full-spectrum CBD oil several times a day may mean consuming more THC than expected. Another drawback is that higher doses of isolated CBD may be needed to obtain therapeutic effects compared to full-spectrum CBD. Whether you're looking for a full-spectrum or an isolated CBD product, Leanna Organics can be your trusted advisor and supplier. Research suggests that the entourage effect may increase the effects of full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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