Can You Take CBD Across States? A Comprehensive Guide

Traveling with hemp-based CBD may be a viable option for many. While marijuana is not allowed to be transported across state lines due to its lack of federal legalization, most cannabis-infused products, such as CBD, can be brought along as long as they contain less than 0.3 percent THC. For those running an e-commerce business that sells CBD oil or other CBD products, the growth prospects are looking good. If you run a business that sells marijuana products, as well as federally approved CBD items, you can still ship your CBD products through UPS. FedEx is the only major carrier that has not yet shipped CBD products and includes it in its list of prohibited items.

As mentioned before, CBD products that contain less than 0.3 percent THC are federally legal, but the legality of CBD products with higher doses of THC may vary by state. Despite this, some states still prohibit the sale of CBD, making shipping it a challenge. Shipping CBD allows you to reach consumers who live in states where it's difficult to find these products in stores. If you're interested in shipping CBD products across state lines, you'll need to use only refined CBD from low-THC hemp. Some states have yet to make a distinction between marijuana and CBD due to the small amounts of THC in many CBD products.

However, hemp-derived CBD products, such as those manufactured by Lazarus Naturals, have been excluded from the Controlled Substances Act. It's important to know the individual state regulations on CBD when taking your products across state lines. In states where marijuana is legal, you can sell a wide variety of CBD products in physical stores and cannabis delivery companies offer both CBD and THC products locally. While it's legal to travel with CBD products containing less than 0.3 percent THC domestically in the United States, other countries have different laws regarding the use of CBD.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

Unapologetic pop culture aficionado. Incurable social media expert. Total web advocate. Lifelong tv aficionado. Devoted web practitioner. Amateur internet expert.