Are CBD Gummy Bears Legal? A Comprehensive Guide

A quick look at the best hemp and CBD gummies reveals that hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are federally legal, but are still illegal under some state laws. Cannabis-derived CBD products, on the other hand, are illegal at the federal level, but legal under some state laws. Check local laws, especially when traveling. Are CBD gummies legal in all 50 states? The answer is mostly yes, but there are some caveats here and there, depending on how deeply you want to delve into state and local legislation.

Even so, hemp-derived CBD gummies are easily found throughout the U. S., both online and in stores in all 50 states. The only time CBD gummies would be illegal is if you've purchased marijuana—derived gummies (that is, gummies with THC levels higher than 0.3% (above 0.3%) from an adult dispensary in a recreational legal state and attempted to transport them to a state where cannabis is still illegal. Once again, CBD gummies are legal in all 50 states as long as they are derived from hemp. However, there are still some interesting laws in several states, so let's take a quick look at some of the finer points of the legality of CBD gummies.

For example, in Florida, you shouldn't have a problem buying CBD gummies. The state is also one of the few that has made an effort to regulate the hemp CBD market. At the time of writing this article, Arizona adheres to the new federal guidelines. Therefore, it's legal to buy CBD products, such as gummies.

You can buy gummies online or without a prescription at stores that sell health supplements. CBD gummies are easily available in South Carolina. Interestingly, the state Department of Agriculture has banned it as an additional ingredient in human and animal food products. However, in reality, the application of this rule seems to be practically non-existent. Despite what you've heard, Virginia hemp processors can bring hemp-derived CBD products to the market.

They can also produce CBD as an approved food ingredient or dietary supplement if they meet specific criteria. Processors should not label or market food as a treatment for a medical condition. So yes, you can find CBD gummies in Virginia, although you're likely to find a lot more options by shopping online. To answer the question “are CBD gummies legal?” depends on the type of gummies you're talking about. If these are hemp-derived gummies with THC levels below 0.3%, then yes, they are legal and available in all 50 states.

On the other hand, marijuana—derived gummies, that is, gummies that you would find in a medical or recreational dispensary are illegal if you try to transport them from one legal state to another illegal one. The TSA now allows passengers to carry CBD on board an airplane. The standard suggests that hemp-derived CBD with a maximum THC of 0.3% is allowed. However, it's probably not a good idea to try transporting CBD gummies internationally.

CBD gummies

are legal in every state, as long as they are derived from hemp that complies with the Farm Bill. But what exactly are these edibles? Many hemp gummies are falsely marketed for containing CBD or for offering benefits that only CBD can provide.

And so, when CBD edibles started flooding the market in recent years, CBD gummies inevitably appeared. These regulations include ensuring that CBD has a THC content of less than 0.2%, and CBD gummies are no exception to this rule. Some CBD gummies use isolated CBD for their infusion, while others use “full spectrum” CBD, which includes a variety of other cannabinoids and nutrients that may also have beneficial effects. While different companies add their CBD in different ways, cbdMD adds its pure CBD isolate while the ingredients melt in bulk.


is a CBD company that offers a wide range of CBD products and potencies, including gummies, topical products, oils and more.

CBD gummies are undoubtedly a tastier way to get CBD than capsules or tinctures and, in addition, they give you a touch of sugar.


, who has a long history of working in the CBD, now shares his knowledge through CBD Scanner. He has a particular interest in how CBD can affect people's daily lives and in the many applications for which people use CBD. Read on to learn what CBD gummies, how they're made and important information to know when buying and using them.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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