Can I Give My Pet CBD? A Guide for Pet Owners

As a pet owner, you may have been wondering if the potential benefits of CBD for humans could be beneficial for your pet as well. The answer is yes, but it is important to be aware that human CBD oil may contain ingredients or even a level of THC that could be dangerous. The hemp used for CBD is a non-psychoactive plant, unlike the cannabis plant used for marijuana, which contains psychoactive levels of THC; it is completely safe for dogs. It's generally safe to give CBD to your dog, but mild side effects can occur.

For example, your dog may be lethargic or clumsy until it metabolizes CBD. Your dog may also experience diarrhea, but this is more often due to a high dose of CBD than to a common effect of CBD. To avoid unexpected problems, remember to start small and reduce the amount of CBD oil you give it. Remember that dogs have fewer endocannabinoid receptors than humans, so effective doses of CBD may be higher relative to their size than what a human would need.

Whether you're giving human-brand CBD oil to your dog or want to drink some CBD oil for pets, the math will be the same. Some CBD oils for humans, and even some low-quality CBD pet oils, can be full of additives and fillers that are unhealthy and unnecessary for your pet. As long as the other ingredients are pet friendly, you can give dogs CBD oil for humans, as it works just like giving them CBD oil for pets. Giving your pet the right daily amount of CBD is crucial for your pet to enjoy this resource, and there will be a CBD oil specifically formulated for dogs or cats in different concentrations for animals of different sizes.

Many pet owners were inspired to try CBD oil for pets because they themselves had positive experiences with CBD. A CBD product like Populum's Zen Pets hemp calming oil comes in 100 mg and 250 mg options that contain 3.3 mg and 8 mg of CBD oil per dropper, respectively. That's why it's important to choose a CBD product that's made for dogs or cats instead of giving human CBD oil to your pet. The entourage effect helps maximize the therapeutic effects of CBD, by ensuring that your pet can absorb it to the greatest extent possible.

In addition to providing relief from anxiety and pain, CBD can also help with digestive issues in pets. It can help reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion by increasing the production of digestive enzymes. It can also help reduce nausea and vomiting in pets who are undergoing chemotherapy or other treatments. Furthermore, it can help improve skin health in pets by reducing inflammation and itching caused by allergies or other skin conditions.

It can also help reduce inflammation in joints and muscles caused by arthritis or other conditions. When considering giving your pet CBD, it's important to consult with your veterinarian first. They will be able to provide advice on dosage and any potential side effects that may occur. In conclusion, if used correctly, CBD can be a great addition to your pet's health regimen.

It is essential to consult with your veterinarian before giving your pet any type of supplement or medication.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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