Is cbd safe for 13 year old?

A full-spectrum CBD product includes phytonutrient compounds such as terpenes and other cannabinoids from leaves and flowers, which produce something called the entourage effect, which increases the effectiveness of CBD. All forms of CBD are safe for teens, even full-spectrum ones. The World Health Organization stated that CBD is not addictive and wrote: “In humans, CBD has no effects indicative of any potential for abuse or dependence. However, they do not recommend its consumption.

While CBD doesn't appear to be harmful on its own, CBD producers are largely unregulated, making it difficult to know what the products contain and the level of CBD concentration. Make sure that you or your teen buy CBD from a reputable source. How topical CBD products can relieve 26% muscle pain in joints CBD oil is gaining popularity for its pain-relieving benefits. I'm sure parents like to know that CBD has no psychoactive effects, so their teens can't “get high” with CBD.

With no scientific proof that CBD works and is safe for children, Mitchell said stimulant-based medications such as Adderall are a better option than CBD. The World Health Organization has reported that “in humans, CBD has no effect indicative of potential abuse or dependence and that “reported adverse effects may be due to drug interactions between CBD and medications that patients are already using”. So whether you're a parent trying to convince your teen that CBD is worth trying, or a parent who needs some convincing, we've put together a comprehensive guide to CBD for teens. Research suggests that many of the side effects that occur with CBD consumption are likely due to interactions between CBD and other medications a person is taking.

Gordon Kadow
Gordon Kadow

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